-From Egypt .Of horses and chariots, and linen yarn 1Ki 10:28, 29; 2Ch 1:16, 17 .Of corn (grain) Ge 42; 43
-From Gilead .Of spices Ge 37:25
-From Ophir .Of gold 1Ki 10:11; 22:48; 1Ch 29:4
-From Tarshish .Of gold 1Ki 10:22 .Ivory, apes, and peacocks 1Ki 10:22 .Silver, iron, tin, lead, brass, slaves Eze 27:12, 13
-From Arabia .Of sheep and goats Eze 27:21
-From Palestine .Honey Eze 27:17
-General scriptures concerning Ps 109:11; Isa 16:4; Eze 22:12; Mic 3:2, 3; Mt 23:25; Lu 18:11; 1Co 5:10, 11; 6:10
-INSTANCES OF .Jacob in demanding Esau's birthright for a mess of pottage Ge 25:31 .Pharaoh in exacting of the Egyptians lands and persons, for corn (grain) Ge 47:13-26
-General scriptures concerning 1Ki 18:7, 10; Jer 26:21-23; Ac 9:2, 14; 22:5
-General scriptures concerning Pr 21:17, 20; Lu 16:19
-ANTHROPOMORPHIC USES OF Ps 33:18, 19; 34:15; 121:3-5; Isa 1:15; 3:8; Am 9:8; Hab 1:13; 1Pe 3:12 .For additional anthropomorphic uses of .See ANTHROPOMORPHISMS
-FIGURATIVE .Of evil desire, never satisfied Pr 27:20; Ec 1:8; 1Jo 2:16 .The offending Mt 5:29
-Painted Eze 23:40
-Father of Naarai 1Ch 11:37
-Possibly identical with PAARAI in
2Sa 23:35
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