-A chief Benjamite and one of the twelve spies sent into Canaan Nu 13:9
-A chief of Issachar and one of the committee of twelve appointed to divide Canaan among the tribes Nu 34:26
-(A province in Asia Minor) -Men of, in Jerusalem Ac 2:10
-Paul goes to Ac 13:13, 14; 14:24
-John, surnamed "Mark," in Ac 13:13; 15:38
-Sea of Ac 27:5
-In armies Le 26:17; De 32:30; Jos 23:10; Ps 35:5
-From God Ge 35:5; Ex 15:14-16; Jud 7:22; 1Sa 14:15-20; 2Ki 7:6, 7; 2Ch 20:22, 23
-By Agabus Ac 21:11
-General scriptures concerning 2Jo 1:12
-(A city of Cyprus) -Paul blinds a sorcerer in Ac 13:6-13
-(R. V., margin) Ex 2:3
-Of the trees Jud 9:8-15
-Of the lamb 2Sa 12:1-6
-Of the woman of Tekoa 2Sa 14:5-12
-Of the garment which was torn in pieces 1Ki 11:30-32
-Of the prisoner of war 1Ki 20:39-41
-Of the thistle and cedar 2Ki 14:9
-Of a vine of Egypt Ps 80:8-16
-Of the vineyard Isa 5:1-7; 27:2, 3
-Of the husbandman Isa 28:23-29
-Of the skins filled with wine Jer 13:12-14
-Of the vine Eze 15; 17:5-10; 19:10-14
-Of the two eagles Eze 17
-Of lions' cubs Eze 19:1-9
-Of Aholah and Aholibah Eze 23
-The boiling pot Eze 24:3-5
-The sheet lowered down from the sky (in Peter's vision) Ac 10:10-16
-The two covenants Ga 4:22-31
-The mercenary soldier 2Ti 2:3, 4
-The farmer 2Ti 2:6
-The athlete 2Ti 2:5
-The mirror Jas 1:23-25
-The place of glorified spirits Lu 23:43; 2Co 12:4; Re 2:7
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