-A city of unknown location 1Ch 7:24
-1. A priest .Son of Bukki 1Ch 6:5, 6, 51; Ezr 7:4
-2. Grandson of Issachar 1Ch 7:2, 3
-3. Grandson of Benjamin 1Ch 7:7
-4. Son of Michri 1Ch 9:8
-5. An overseer of the Levites Ne 11:22
-6. A priest in the time of Nehemiah Ne 12:19, 42
-One of David's mighty men 1Ch 11:44
-1. Called AZARIAH .King of Judah 2Ki 14:21; 15:1, 2; 2Ch 26:1, 3 .Rebuilds Elath 2Ki 14:22; 2Ch 26:2 .Reigns righteously 2Ki 15:3; 2Ch 26:4, 5 .Defeats the Philistines 2Ch 26:6, 7 .Takes tribute from the Ammonites .Strengthens the kingdom 2Ch 26:8 .Strengthens the fortifications of Jerusalem 2Ch 26:9 .Promotes cattle raising and agriculture 2Ch 26:10 .Military establishment of 2Ch 26:11-15 .Is presumptuous in burning incense; stricken with leprosy; quarantined 2Ch 26:16-21; 2Ki 15:5 .Jotham regent during quarantine of 2Ki 15:5; 2Ch 26:21 .Death of 2Ki 15:7; 2Ch 26:23 .History of, written by Isaiah, 2Ch 26:22; Isa 1:1 .An earthquake occurred during the reign of Am 1:1; Zec 14:5
-2. Son of Uriel 1Ch 6:24
-3. Father of Jehonathan 1Ch 27:25
-4. A priest .Puts away (divorced) his Gentile wife Ezr 10:21
-5. Father of Athaiah Ne 11:4
-1. A son of Kohath Ex 6:18, 22; Le 10:4
-2. A Simeonite captain 1Ch 4:42
-3. Son of Bela 1Ch 7:7
-4. One of David's musicians 1Ch 25:4
-5. A Levite -Son of Jeduthun 2Ch 29:14
-6. A goldsmith .Helped in repairing the walls of Jerusalem Ne 3:8
-(Veil, curtain) -1. Hangings used in the tabernacle to separate the Holy of Holies (the Most Holy Place) from the Holy Place .Called the second veil Heb 6:19; 9:3 .Ordinances prescribing Ex 26:31-33 .Made by Bezaleel and Aholiab Ex 36:35, 36 .See VEIL
-2. A covering for the ark of the covenant Ex 35:12; 39:34; 40:21; Nu 4:5
-3. Of the temple 2Ch 3:14 .Torn from the top to the bottom at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Mt 27:51; Mr 15:38; Lu 23:45
-Son of Haman Es 9:9
-(An Israelite) -Puts away (divorces) his Gentile wife Ezr 10:36
-A consequence of the fall Ro 8:20
-Every man has Ps 39:11
-Every state of man is Ps 62:9
-Man, at his best estate, is Ps 39:5
-Man is similar to Ps 144:4
-The thoughts of man are Ps 94:11
-The days of man are Job 7:16; Ec 6:12
-Childhood and youth are Ec 11:10
-The beauty of man is Ps 39:11; Pr 31:30
-The help of man is Ps 60:11; La 4:17
-Man's own righteousness is Isa 57:12
-Worldly wisdom is Ec 2:15, 21; 1Co 3:20
-Worldly pleasure is Ec 2:1
-Worldy anxiety is Ps 39:6; 127:2
-Worldly labor is Ec 2:11; 4:4
-Worldly enjoyment is Ec 2:3, 10, 11
-Worldly possessions are Ec 2:4-11
-Treasures of wickedness are Pr 10:2
-Heaping up riches is Ec 2:26; 4:8
-Love of riches is Ec 5:10
-Unblessed riches are Ec 6:2
-Riches gotten by falsehood are Pr 21:6
-All earthly things are Ec 1:2
-Foolish questions are 1Ti 1:6, 7; 6:20; 2Ti 2:14, 16; Tit 3:9
-The conduct of the ungodly is 1Pe 1:18
-The religion of hypocrites is Jas 1:26
-The worship of the wicked is Isa 1:13; Mt 6:7
-Lying words are Jer 7:8
-False teaching is but Jer 23:32
-Mere external religion is 1Ti 4:8; Heb 13:9
-Almsgiving without love is 1Co 13:3
-Faith without works is Jas 2:14
-Idolatry is 2Ki 17:15; Ps 31:6; Isa 44:9, 10; Jer 10:8; 18:15
-Wealth gotten by, diminishes Pr 13:11
-Saints hate the thoughts of Ps 119:113
-Pray to be kept from Ps 119:37; Pr 30:8
-Avoid Ps 24:4
-Avoid those given to Ps 26:4
-Evil people .Especially characterized by Job 11:11 .Though full of, affect to be wise Job 11:12 .Love Ps 4:2 .Imagine Ps 2:1; Ac 4:25; Ro 1:21 .Devise Ps 36:4 .Speak Ps 10:7; 12:2; 41:6 .Regard God's service as Job 21:15; Mal 3:14 .Allure others through the words of 2Pe 2:18 .Live by Jer 2:5 .Live in Ps 39:6; Eph 4:17 .Inherit Jer 16:19 .Reap Pr 22:8; Jer 12:13 .Judicially given up to Ps 78:33; Isa 57:13
-Fools follow those given to Pr 12:11
-Following those given to, leads to poverty Pr 28:19
-All should know and acknowledge De 4:35
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