-Tribute (a tax) levied on foreign commerce by Solomon 1Ki 10:15
-OF MAN TO GOD De 6:5; 10:12, 13; 11:1; 30:15-20; Jos 22:5; 23:11; Ps 31:23; Pr 23:26; Mt 4:10; 12:50; 22:21, 36-40; Lu 17:10; 21:3, 4; Joh 4:34; 6:38; 14:15, 21; 15:14; Ac 4:19, 20; 5:29; Jude 1:21 .See COMMANDMENTS .See FAITHFULNESS .See OBEDIENCE
-OF MAN TO MAN Le 19:18; Isa 58:6, 7; Mt 7:12; 25:34-46; Lu 10:25-37 .See COMMANDMENTS .See CHILDREN .See HUSBAND .See MINISTER, DUTIES OF .See PARENTS .See WIFE
-Forbidden to be priests Le 21:20
-General scriptures concerning Ex 25:5; 26:14; Isa 63:1; Eze 23:15
-General scriptures concerning Ac 28:8
-Of Timothy 1Ti 5:23
-Forbidden as food Le 11:13; De 14:12
-The swift flight of De 28:49; Job 9:26; Pr 30:19; Jer 4:13; 49:22; La 4:19
-The nest of De 32:11; Job 39:27-30; Jer 49:16
-Carries her young upon her wings Ex 19:4; De 32:11
-The long life of Ps 103:5
-The molting of Mic 1:16
-Gier-eagle Le 11:18
-FIGURATIVE Ex 19:4; De 32:11; Jer 48:40; Ho 8:1
-SYMBOLICAL Eze 1:10; 10:14; 17:3; Da 7:4; Re 4:7; 12:14
-Blood put upon, in consecration of priest Ex 29:20; Le 8:23
-In cleansing lepers Le 14:14, 25
-Anointed with oil in purifications Le 14:17, 28
-Bored as a sign of servitude Ex 21:5, 6; Ps 40:6
-FIGURATIVE .Anthropomorphic uses of Ps 17:6; 39:12; 77:1; 80:1; 84:8 .For more extended anthropomorphic uses, consult a concordance
-A pledge or token Ps 86:17; 2Co 1:22; 5:5; Eph 1:14
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