-PROMISES TO Le 26:40-42; Nu 5:6, 7; De 4:29-31; 5:29; 30:1-10; 2Ki 22:19; 1Ch 28:9; Job 22:23-29; 23:6; 33:26-28; Ps 6:8, 9; 9:10; 22:26; 24:3-6; 32:5, 6; 34:18; 51:17; 70:4; 90:14, 15; 145:18, 19; 147:3; Isa 27:5; Eze 18:21-23; 33:10-16; Mt 5:4; 6:14, 15; 7:7-11; 11:28-30; 12:20, 31; 18:11-14; Lu 4:18; 6:37; 11:9-13; 12:10; 15:4-32; 18:10-14; 19:10; Joh 6:37; 10:9; Ac 13:38, 39; Ro 10:9-13; 1Jo 1:9 .See FORGIVENESS .See REPENTANCE .See SIN, CONFESSION OF .See also OBDURACY .See REPROBACY
-General scriptures concerning Jer 36:23
-One of the wives of Elkanah 1Sa 1:2
-A denarius Mt 18; 28; Mr 6:37; 14:5; Lu 7:41; 10:35
-Roman, had Caesar's image on it Mt 22:19-21
-Worth one day's wages Mt 20:2-14
-Of Levites 2Ch 31:16-18
-Called .FEAST OF WEEKS Ex 34:22; De 16:10 .FEAST OF HARVEST Ex 23:16 .DAY OF FIRST FRUITS Nu 28:26 .DAY OF PENTECOST Ac 2:1; 20:16; 1Co 16:8
-Institution of Ex 23:16; 34:22; Le 23:15-21; Nu 28:26-31; De 16:9-12, 16
-Holy Spirit given to the apostles on the first day of Ac 2
-1. Also called PENIEL .City built where Jacob wrestled with the angel Jud 8:8, Ge 32:31; 9, 17; 1Ki 12:25
-2. Chief of Gedor 1Ch 4:4
-3. A Benjamite 1Ch 8:25
-Heard Jesus gladly Mt 7:28; 9:8, 33; 13:54; Mr 6:2
-(A mountain in Moab) -Balak builds altars on Nu 23:28-30
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