-WICKED PRACTICES OF .Human sacrifices Le 18:21; 20:2-5; De 12:31; 18:10; 2Ki 3:26, 27; 16:3; 17:17, 18; 21:6; 23:10; 2Ch 28:3; 33:6; Ps 106:37, 38; Isa 57:5; Jer 7:31; 19:4-7; 32:35; Eze 16:20, 21; 20:26, 31; 23:37, 39; Mic 6:7 .Practices of, relating to the dead De 14:1 .Licentiousness of Ex 32:6, 25; Nu 25:1-3; 1Ki 14:24; 15:12; 2Ki 17:30; 23:7; Eze 16:17; 23:1-44; Ho 4:12-14; Am 2:8; Mic 1:7; Ro 1:24, 26, 27; 1Co 10:7, 8; 1Pe 4:3, 4; Re 2:14, 20-22; 9:20, 21; 14:8; 17:1-6
-OTHER CUSTOMS OF .Offered burnt offerings Ex 32:6; 1Ki 18:26; Ac 14:13 .Libations Isa 57:6; 65:11; Jer 7:18; 19:13; 44:17, 32:29; 19, 25; Eze 20:28 .Libations of wine De 32:38 .Libations of blood Ps 16:4; Zec 9:7 .Meat offerings Isa 57:6; Jer 7:18; 44:17; Eze 16:19 .Peace offerings Ex 32:6 .Incense burned on altars 1Ki 12:33; 2Ch 30:14; 34:25; Isa 65:3; Jer 1:16; 11:12, 17; 44:3; 48:35; Eze 16:18; 23:41; Ho 11:2 .Prayers to idols Jud 10:14; Isa 44:17; 45:20; 46:7; Jon 1:5 .Praise Jud 16:24; Da 5:4 .Singing and dancing Ex 32:18, 19 .Music Da 3:5-7 .Cutting the flesh 1Ki 18:28; Jer 41:5 .Kissing 1Ki 19:18; Ho 13:2; Job 31:27 .Bowing 1Ki 19:18; 2Ki 5:18 .Tithes and gifts 2Ki 23:11; Da 11:38; Am 4:4, 5
-ANNUAL FEASTS Eze 18:6, 11, 1Ki 12:32; 12, 15; 22:9; Da 3:2, 3
-OBJECTS OF .Sun, moon, and stars De 4:19; 2Ki 17:16; 21:3, 5; 2Ch 33:3, 5; Job 31:26-28; Jer 7:17-20; 8:2; Eze 8:15, 16; Zep 1:4, 5; Ac 7:42 .Images of angels Col 2:18 .Animals Ro 1:23 .Gods of Egypt Ex 12:12 .Golden calf Ex 32:4 .Brazen serpent 2Ki 18:4 .Net and drag Hab 1:16 .Pictures Nu 33:52; Isa 2:16 .Pictures on walls Eze 8:10 .Earrings Ge 35:4 .See SHRINE
-DENUNCIATIONS AGAINST Ge 35:2; Ex 20:3-6, 23; 23:13; 34:17; Le 19:4; 26:1, 30; De 4:15-23, 25-28; 11:16, 5:7-9; 17, 28; 12:31; 16:21, 22; 27:15; 28:15-68; 30:17, 18; 31:16-21, 29; 32:15-26; 1Sa 15:23; 1Ki 9:6-9; Job 31:26-28; Ps 16:4; 44:20, 21; 59:8; 79:6; 81:9; 97:7; Isa 42:17; 45:16; Joe 3:12; Jon 2:8; Mic 5:15; Hab 1:16; Ac 15:20, 29; 17:16; Ro 1:25; 1Co 6:9, 10; 8:1-13; 10:7, 14, 20-22; 1Jo 5:21; Re 21:8; 22:15 .See ICONOCLASM
-WARNINGS AGAINST, AND PUNISHMENTS OF De 17:2-5; 2Ch 28:23; Ne 9:27-37; Ps 78:58-64; 106:34-42; Isa 1:29-31; 2:6-22; 30:22; 57:3-13; 65:3, 4; Jer 1:15, 16; 3:1-11; 5:1-17; 8:1, 7; 2, 19; 13:9-27; 16; 17:1-6; 18:13-15; 19; 22:9; 32:35; 44; 48:8; Eze 6; 7:19; 8:5-18; 9; 14:1-14; 16; 20; 22:4; 23; 44:10-12; Ho 1:2; 2:2-5; 4:12-19; 5:1-3; 8:5-14; 9:10; 10; 11:2; 12:11-14; 13:1-4; 14:8; Am 3:14; 4:4, 5; 5:5; Mic 1:1-9; 5:12-14; 6:16; Zep 1; Mal 2:11-13
-PROPHECIES RELATING TO Ex 12:12; Nu 33:4; Isa 2:18, 20; 17:7, 8; 19:1; 21:9; 27:9; 31:7; 51:44, Jer 10:11, 15; 47, 52; Eze 43:7-9; Ho 10:2; Mic 5:13; Zep 2:11; Zec 13:2
-FOLLY OF Ex 32:20; De 4:28; 32:37, 38; Jud 6:31; 10:14; 1Sa 5:3, 4; 12:21; 1Ki 18:27; 2Ki 3:13; 19:18; 2Ch 25:15; 28:22, 23; Ps 96:5; 115:4, 106:20; 5, 8; 135:15-18; Isa 2:8; 16:12; 36:18; 37:19; 41:23, 40:12-26; 24, 26-29; 43:9; 44:9-20; 45:20; 46:1, 2, 6, 7; 47:12-15; 57:13; Jer 2:28; 10:3-16; 11:12; 14:22; 16:19, 20; 48:13; 51:17; Da 5:23; Ho 8:5, 6; Hab 2:18, 19; Zec 10:2; 17:22, Ac 14:15; 23, 29; Ro 1:22, 23; 1Co 8:4, 5; 10:19; 12:2; Ga 4:8; Re 9:20
-1. One of the spies sent to Canaan Nu 13:7
-2. Also called JOEL .One of David's guards 2Sa 23:36; 1Ch 11:38
-Father of Hanan Jer 35:4
-Son of Shemaiah 1Ch 3:22
-General scriptures concerning 11:7, Job 8:9; 28:12, 13, 8, 12; 20, 21; 36:26, 29; 37:5, 15, 16, 19, 23; Ps 139:6; Pr 7:6-23; 8:5; 9:14-18; 19:2; 20:24; 22:3; 27:1, 12; 30:4; Ec 3:11; 6:11, 12; 7:23, 24; 8:6, 7, 17; 9:12; 11:5; Jer 10:23; Joh 13:7; Ac 1:7; 17:23, 30; Ro 8:24-26; 1Co 2:7-10; 3:19; 13:9, 12; Jas 1:5, 6
-SINS OF Ge 20:1-7; Le 4:1-35; 5:4-19; 22:14; Nu 15:22-29; Eze 3:18; 33:6, 8; 45:20; Ho 4:6; Lu 12:48; 23:34; Joh 16:2; Ac 3:14, 15, 17; 1Co 2:8; Ga 1:13-16; Eph 4:18, 19; 1Ti 1:12, 13
-INSTANCES OF PUNISHMENT OF SINS OF .Pharaoh Ge 12:11-17 .Abimelech Ge 20:1-18
-1. An encampment of the Israelites Nu 33:45
-2. A town in the extreme south of Judah Jos 15:29
-One of the later stopping places of Israel Nu 21:11; 33:44
-A town of the territory of the tribe of Naphtali 1Ki 15:20; 2Ki 15:29; 2Ch 16:4
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