-Mosaic laws concerning Le 23:37, 38; Nu 29:39
-Must be voluntary, see below -Must be performed, see below -Estimation of the redemption price of things offered in vows, to be made by the priest, according to age and sex of the person making the offering Le 27:1-13
-The redemption price of the offering of real estate, to be valued by the priest Le 27:14, 15
-Of a field Le 27:16-25
-Edible things offered in, to be eaten the same day they were offered Le 7:16-18
-Things offered in, to be brought to the tabernacle or temple De 12:6, 11, 17, 18, 26
-Belonged to the priests Nu 18:14
-Rash .By Jephthah, in consecration of his daughter as a sacrafice, if his campaign against the Ammonites were successful Jud 11:29-40 .The Israelites, to destroy the Benjamites Jud 21:5, Jud 6 with Jud 20:21
-Things forbidden to be offered in: Receipts of the whore and the price of a "dog" (male prostitute of a pagan shrine) De 23:18
-A minor, of himself Mr 7:11-13
-UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO Ge 28:20, 21; 31:13; Le 5:4-13; 22:18-25; Nu 15:2-16; 30:1-16; De 23:18, 21-23; Job 22:27; Ps 22:25; 50:14, 15; 56:12; 61:5, 8; 65:1; 66:13, 14; 76:11; 116:14-19; Pr 20:25; Ec 5:4-6; Jon 2:9; Na 1:15 .See CONTRACT .See COVENANT
-INSTANCES OF .Of Jacob, see above Ge 28:20-22 .Of the mother of Micah, in the dedication of silver for the making of an idol Jud 17:2, 3 .Of Hannah, to consecrate to the Lord the child for which she prayed 1Sa 1:11 with 1Sa 1:27, 28 .Of Elkanah 1Sa 1:21 .Of Absalom 2Sa 15:7, 8 .Of Job, not to entertain thoughts of fornication Job 31:1 .Of David Ps 132:2 .Of Ananias and Sapphira, in the dedication of the proceeds of the sale of their land Ac 5:1-11 .Of the Jews, to kill Paul Ac 23:12-15 .Of Jephthah, and of the Israelites .See RASH VOWS, above .See NAZARITE
-A carnivorous bird Le 11:14; De 14:13
-In R. V., translated "falcon," Job 28:7
-And "kite," Isa 34:15
-General scriptures concerning Ex 29:23; Nu 6:19
-Of Jacob Ge 29:15-30; 30:28-34; 31:7, 41
-Parable concerning Mt 20:1-15
-UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO Le 19:13; De 24:14, 15; 25:4; Jer 22:13; Hag 1:6; Mal 3:5; Mt 10:10; Lu 3:14; 10:7; Ro 4:4; 6:23; Col 4:1; Jas 5:4
-General scriptures concerning Ge 45:19, 27; Nu 7:3-9
-Of the wicked Mt 13:42
-Upon God .As the God of providence Jer 14:22 .As the God of salvation Ps 25:5 .As the giver of all temporal blessings Ps 104:27, 28; 145:15, 16
-For mercy Ps 123:2
-For the consolation of Israel Lu 2:25
-For salvation Ge 49:18; Ps 62:1, 2
-For guidance and teaching Ps 25:5
-For protection Ps 33:20; 59:9, 10
-For the fulfillment of his word Hab 2:3
-For the fulfillment of his promises Ac 1:4
-For the hope of righteousness by faith Ga 5:5
-For the coming of Christ 1Co 1:7; 1Th 1:10
-Is good Ps 52:9
-God calls us to Zep 3:8
-Exhortations and encouragements to Ps 27:14; 37:7; Ho 12:6
-Should be with the soul Ps 62:1, 5
-With earnest desire Ps 130:6
-With resignation La 3:26
-With hope in his word Ps 130:5
-With full confidence Mic 7:7
-Continually Ho 12:6
-All the day Ps 25:5
-Especially in adversity Ps 59:1-9; Isa 8:17
-In the way of his judgments Isa 26:8
-Saints resolve on Ps 52:9; 59:9
-Saints have expectation from Ps 62:5
-Saints plead, in prayer Ps 25:21; Isa 33:2
-The patience of saints often tested in Ps 69:3
-Those who engage in .Wait upon him only Ps 62:5 .Are heard Ps 40:1 .Are blessed Isa 30:18; Da 12:12 .Experience his goodness La 3:25 .Will not be ashamed Ps 25:3; Isa 49:23 .Will renew their strength Isa 40:31 .Will inherit the earth Ps 37:9 .Will be saved Pr 20:22; Isa 25:9 .Will rejoice in salvation Isa 25:9 .Will receive the glorious things prepared by God for them Isa 64:4
-Predicted of the Gentiles Isa 42:4; 60:9
-Illustrated Ps 123:2; Lu 12:36; Jas 5:7
-EXEMPLIFIED .Jacob Ge 49:18 .David Ps 39:7 .Isaiah Isa 8:17 .Micah Mic 7:7 .Joseph Mr 15:43
-With God .According to his commands De 5:33; Ps 1; Jer 7:23 .In his ways De 28:9; Jos 22:5 .In the old paths Jer 6:16 .As taught by him 1Ki 8:36; Isa 2:3; 30:21 .Uprightly Pr 2:7 .In his statutes and judgments Eze 37:24 .In newness of life Ro 6:4 .Not after the flesh, but after the Spirit Ro 8:1; Ga 5:16 .Honestly, as in the day Ro 13:13 .Not walking by sight, but by faith 2Co 5:7 .In love, following Christ Eph 5:2 .Worthy of the Lord Col 1:10 .In Christ Col 2:6 .By the gospel rule Php 3:16 .In the light, as God is 1Jo 1:7 .In white clothing Re 3:4 .In the light of heaven Re 21:24
-INSTANCES OF .Enoch Ge 5:24 .Noah Ge 6:9
-Of Bashan, destroyed by the Israelites De 3:5, 6
-Of Jerusalem .See JERUSALEM
-Of Babylon Jer 51:44
-Broad Jer 51:58
-Of Beth-shan 1Sa 31:10
-Of Rabbah 2Sa 11:20
-Houses built upon Jos 2:15
-Sentinels on .See WATCHMAN
-FIGURATIVE .Of the new Jerusalem Re 21:12, 14, 17-21
-Divine approval of 2Sa 22:35
-Civil Jud 12:1-6; 20; 2Sa 2:12-31; 3:1; 20; 1Ki 14:30; 16:21; Isa 19:2
-Forbidden 2Ch 11:4
-Averted Jos 22:11-34
-Enemy harangued by the general of the opposing side 2Ki 18:19-36; 2Ch 13:4-12
-Of extermination Nu 31:7-17; De 2:33, 34; 3:6; 20:13-18; Jos 6:21, 24; 8:24, 25; 10:2-40; 11:11-23; 1Sa 15:3-9; 27:8-11
-God in Ex 14:13, 14; De 1:30; 3:21, 22; 7:17-24; 20:1, 4; 31:6-8, 23; Jos 1:1, 32:29, 30; 5-7, 9; Jud 1:2; 6:16; 7:9; 11:29; 1Sa 17:45-47; 19:5; 30:7, 8; 2Sa 5:22-24; 22:18; 1Ki 20:28; Ps 18:34; 76:3; Jer 46:15; Am 5:8, 9; Zec 10:5
-God uses, as a judgment Ex 23:24; Le 26:17, 31-39; De 28:25-68; 32:30; Jud 2:14; 2Ki 15:37; 1Ch 5:22, 26; 21:12; 2Ch 15:6; 12:1-12; 24:23, 24; 33:11; 36; Job 19:29; Ps 44:9-16; 60:1-3; 105:25; Isa 5:1-8, 25-30; 13:3, 9:8-12; 4, 9; 19:2; 34:2-6; 43:28; 45:7; Jer 12:7, 12; 46:15-17, 21; 47:6, 7; 48:10; 49:5; 50:25; Eze 23:22-25; Am 3:6; 4:11; Zep 1:7-18; Zec 8:10; 14:2
-Repugnant to God 1Ch 22:8, 9; Ps 68:30; 120:6, 7; Re 13:10
-God sends panic in Ex 15:14-16
-Threatens defeat in De 32:25; 1Sa 2:10; 2Ch 18:12-16; Isa 30:15-17; Eze 15:6-8; 21:9-17
-Inflicts defeat in Jos 7:12, 13; 2Ch 12:5-8; 24:23, 24; Ps 76:3; 78:66; 79:10; Isa 5:25; Jer 46:15, 16
-Counsels of Jos 22:10-34; Jud 7:10, 11; 2Sa 16:20; 17:1-15; Ps 48:4-7; Pr 11:14; 20:18
-Wisdom required in Pr 21:22; 24:6; Ec 9:14-18; Lu 14:31, 32
-Tumult of Am 2:2
-Killed in, neglected Isa 14:19; 18:6
-Evils of 2Sa 2:26; Ps 46:8; 79:1-3; Isa 3:5, 137:9; 25, 26; 5:29, 30; 6:11, 12; 9:5, 19-21; 13:15, 16; 15; 16:9, 10; 18:6; 19:2-16; 32:13, 14; 33:8, 9; 34:7-15; Jer 4:19-31; 5:16, 17; 6:24-26; 7:33, 34; 8:16, 17; 9:10-21; 10:20; 13:14; 14:18; 15:8, 9; 19:7-9; 25:33; 46:3-12; 47:3; 48:28, 33; 51:30-58; La 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; Eze 33:27; 39:17-19; Ho 10:14; 13:16; Joe 2:2-10; Am 1:13; 6:9, 10; 8:3; Na 2:10; 3:3, 10; Zec 14:2; Lu 21:20-26; Re 19:17, 18
-To cease Ps 46:9; Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3
-Wars and rumors of Mt 24:6; Mr 13:7; Lu 21:9
-FIGURATIVE .Warfare of saints .Is not after the flesh 2Co 10:3 .Is a good warfare 1Ti 1:18, 19 .Called the good fight of faith 1Ti 6:12 .Is against .The Devil Ge 3:15; 2Co 2:11; Eph 1:12; Jas 4:7; 1Pe 5:8; Re 12:17 .The flesh Ro 7:23; 1Co 9:25-27; 2Co 12:7; Ga 5:17; 1Pe 2:11 .Enemies Ps 38:19; 56:2; 59:3 .The world Joh 16:33; 1Jo 5:4, 5 .Death 1Co 15:26; with Heb 2:14, 15 .Often arises from the opposition of friends or relatives Mic 7:6; Mt 10:35, 36 .To be carried on .Under Christ, as our Captain Heb 2:10 .Under the Lord's banner Ps 60:4 .With faith 1Ti 1:18, 19 .With a good conscience 1Ti 1:18, 19 .With steadfastness in the faith 1Co 16:13; 1Pe 5:9; with Heb 10:23 .With earnestness Jude 1:3 .With watchfulness 1Co 16:13; 1Pe 5:8 .With sobriety 1Th 5:6; 1Pe 5:8 .With endurance of hardness 2Ti 2:3, 10 .With self-denial 1Co 9:25-27 .With confidence in God Ps 27:1-3 .With prayer Ps 35:1-3; Eph 6:18 .Without earthly entanglements 2Ti 2:4 .Mere professors do not maintain Jer 9:3 .Saints are all engaged in Php 1:30 .Must stand firm in Eph 6:13, 14 .Exhorted to diligence in 1Ti 6:12; Jude 1:3 .Encouraged in Isa 41:11, 12; 51:12; Mic 7:8; 1Jo 4:4 .Helped by God in Ps 118:13; Isa 41:13, 14 .Protected by God in Ps 140:7 .Comforted by God in 2Co 7:5, 6 .Strengthened by God in Ps 20:2; 27:14; Isa 41:10 .Strengthened by Christ in 2Co 12:9; 2Ti 4:17 .Delivered by Christ in 2Ti 4:18 .Thank God for victory in Ro 7:25; 1Co 15:57 .Armor for .The belt of truth Eph 6:14 .The breastplate of righteousness Eph 6:14 .The preparation of the gospel Eph 6:15 .The shield of faith Eph 6:16 .The helmet of salvation Eph 6:17; 1Th 5:8 .The sword of the Spirit Eph 6:17 .Called "the armor of God," Eph 6:11 .Called "the armor of righteousness," 2Co 6:7 .Called "the armor of light," Ro 13:12 .Not carnal 2Co 10:4 .Mighty through God 2Co 10:4, 5 .The whole, is required Eph 6:13 .Must be put on Ro 13:12; Eph 6:11 .To be on the right hand and left, an idiom meaning: "to attack and to defend." 2Co 6:7 .Victory in, is from God 1Co 15:57; 2Co 2:14 .Through Christ Ro 7:25; 1Co 15:57; 2Co 12:9; Re 12:11 .By faith Heb 11:33-37; 1Jo 5:4, 5 .Over the Devil Ro 16:20; 1Jo 2:14 .Over the flesh Ro 7:24, 25; Ga 5:24 .Over the world 1Jo 5:4, 5 .Over all that exalts itself 2Co 10:5 .Over death and the grave Isa 25:8; 26:19; Ho 13:14; 1Co 15:54, 55 .Triumphant Ro 8:37; 2Co 10:5 .Those who overcome in, will eat of the hidden manna Re 2:17 .Eat from the Tree of Life Re 2:7 .Be clothed in white clothing Re 3:5 .Be pillars in the temple of God Re 3:12 .Sit with Christ on his throne Re 3:21 .Have a white stone, and in it a new name written Re 2:17 .Have power over the nations Re 2:26 .Have the name of God written upon them by Christ Re 3:12 .Have God as their God Re 21:7 .Have the Morning Star Re 2:28 .Inherit all things Re 21:7 .Be confessed by Christ in the presence of God the Father Re 3:5 .Be sons of God Re 21:7 .Not be hurt by the Second Death Re 2:11 .Not have their names blotted out of the Book of Life Re 3:5 .Symbolized by a red horse Re 6:4
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